明年10月研究生现在国内大四,今天教授邮件我We could apply to the scholarship described below, which you may have seen.The school dead line for the application is Jan. 11 and we have to have an interview with you.We can arrange an interview via internet, Skype or another system, sometime in next week if you are interested in.虽然知道国费难度很大,不过还是想尝试一下。不知道这个面试是什么级别的,研究科还是学校?另外会问专业问题吗,或者是研究方向相关的问题。自己本科有几个研究项目,但是对给内诺的教授方向并不很熟悉。p.s.教授还给发了一些材料,研究计划之类的,这些是面试前需要准备好还是截止日前准备好就行?求各位前辈解答。。谢谢