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这篇报道我还没有找到信源。我觉得Allan的解读也很怪异啊。------------------------据外媒Medical Daily最新报道,一名60岁的洛杉矶女性在一家诊所进行了干细胞注射美容,几个月后右眼如同被胶水黏住,难以睁开。只要努力睁眼,都能感受到剧烈疼痛,还能听到尖锐的裁剪声。为此,她不得不来到医院寻求医生帮助。主治医生Allan Wu表示,一开始他以为这是该女子的误听或者瞎编,但亲自为她做过检查后,他发现,她的眼睑的确呈下垂闭合状态,而且眼睛肿胀。之后的发现更是令人大为惊讶。在将近7小时的眼睑和眼周组织探查手术后,Allan和他的同事们从女子眼部挖出了一些神秘的骨头碎片,而且这些骨片段似乎正在向眼周肌肉里面生长。女子努力睁眼时所听到的奇怪声音正是骨碎片相互摩擦发出的。据了解,该女子入院三个月之前在洛杉矶的某个诊所接受了一种较新的整形手术——干细胞面部提升术,也就是从她的腹部提取脂肪,然后分离出干细胞,最后再和主要成分为“羟基磷灰石钙”(一种人工骨粉)的皮肤填充剂一同注入眼周。Allan医生认为,羟基磷灰石钙原本是一种用于除皱的矿物质填充剂,若与干细胞一起使用,会发展成许多不同种类的细胞,并逐渐转化为骨组织。在Allan医生等人通过手术取出骨片段后,该女子眼部情况有所好转。但医生们表示,女子脸部残余的活性干细胞和填充剂还是有可能会转化成骨组织或其他异常身体组织。大多数国家的药监部门目前都没有批准干细胞作为美容产品用于整形界,但仍有不少不法整形机构用干细胞注射美容项目招揽顾客。干细胞应用于医学的范围尚且有限,而且还未被研究深入和透彻,因此求美者还是谨慎对待为妙。
2012-12-23 00:15:20 来自:lalunasung
  • 当事人g

    2012-12-23 00:15:22 当事人g 1#


  • jlpszsg

    2012-12-23 00:15:20 jlpszsg 2#


  • 飘飘37g

    2012-12-23 00:15:20 飘飘37g 3#

    Apparently the surgery the woman had had three months earlier was a relatively new kind of cosmetic procedure at a different clinic in Los Angeles. The new procedure was essentially a stem cell face-lift. Doctors has extracted adult stem cells from her belly fat, isolated them and then injected them along with a filler, calcium hydroxylapatite, around her eyes.Stem cells are cells that can duplicate in an immature state, and are capable of developing into many different kinds of mature tissue. In this particular case, the woman had paid more than $20,000 to have doctors extract mesenchymal stem cells, which can turn into bone, cartilage or fat, from her body, so that the isolated cells can be injected back into her face.Wu believes that because the stem cells were injected along with calcium hydroxylapatite, which was used as filler to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, the combination of the mineral filler and stem cells, which can develop into many different types of cells, turned into bone.The woman is doing well since Wu removed the pieces of bone from her eyelid in 2009. However, it is possible that the living stem cells remaining in her face could strike and turn into bone or some other abnormal bodily tissue in other parts of her face.While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved any cosmetic product or treatment involving stem cells, they are growing in popularity in clinics around the world. The medical possibilities that can come from stem cells are limitless, but they are still poorly understood, very unpredictable and may also produce unintended and harmful effects.

  • TF的小抽g

    2012-12-23 00:15:20 TF的小抽g 4#


  • 响清g

    2012-12-23 00:15:20 响清g 5#


  • orangeofDoraemog

    2012-12-23 00:15:20 orangeofDoraemog 6#


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