我今年申请了九州大学LL.M.本来招生办公室发过一个邮件过来,说3月底告诉最终结果,但是现在已经四月初了,还没有音讯.这个项目有10个国费奖学金的名额,我申请了.下面是他们3月份发过来的一封邮件,大家帮忙分析一下拿国费的可能性和大概什么时候能收到录取通知?Dear Candidates, Thank you very much for your application for the LL.M. program at KyushuUniversity. Your application is currently under consideration and youwill receive a final decision by late March. You have also applied for a Japanese government scholarship, and theMinistry of Education has asked us to provide them with certainadditional information about your application. Could you please: 1. Complete the attached form and return it via e-mail;2. Inform us via e-mail of the nearest international airport to your home;3. Inform us via e-mail of the nearest Japanese Embassy or Consulate toyour home town. I need to receive this information by March 11th. I am very sorry aboutthe short deadline, but we ourselves only recently received this requestfrom the Ministry. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation. Regards,