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  • 女 找ランチ工作2485311x 8
    “:):) ”
  • ~~~~~出电器,生活用品2590724x 8
    “楼主在哪?同问取暖器? ”
  • 求助,日本修士毕业后回国再去读博,怎么办?1950088x 6
  • 想问问,有没有用过吸奶器的妈妈2543084x 8
    “东北妞 发表于 2013-8-29 13:14我买的手动的 挺好用的 对我来说 比没有强学习了 看来我也得买一个了 ”
  • 请教大家?有日本签证,从上海 去香港 再到大阪,2553184x 8
    “imazata 发表于 2013-9-9 14:16谢谢大家的回复, 我行程又变了,是大阪-香港-广州-深圳-香港-大阪,这样需要办通行证吗?上午给东京,大 ...忘记那个电话吧,它只是个传说 ”
  • 手机换土豪了,原有的4s升级成7.0了,求处理!2601366x 6
    “小混混6688 发表于 2013-10-23 16:20是的,升了就不好转手了!还有这么一说。。。。 ”
  • 儿子突然不爱去保育园,看到老师躲到我身后。2555951x 8
    “不知道你儿子几岁,先试着问问孩子,看能问明白不,实在不行就在连络本上婉转的问一下吧! ”
  • 京都大学 MBA 申请失败案例 供大家作参考2571273x 8
    “shizuka1220 发表于 2013-9-24 16:54可以啊,我也在国内。只要把材料寄过去就行了,不用面试。不好意思,刚才忘了说了,托业好像不行,需要托福,80分就可以申请,申请材料如下。(3) Application MaterialsApplication MaterialsFormNotes1. Application FormForm 1Complete all sections of the designated “Application Form” and attach one photo (facing forward, from shoulder up, no hat, and taken within the last 3 months) to the appropriate box.2. Detailed Educational Background and Employment HistoryForm 2Provide your detailed education background and employment history using the designated “Detailed Educational Background and Employment History” form. If the educational institution names are in a language other than Japanese or English, write the educational level (elementary, junior high, high school, etc.) as well.3. Letters of RecommendationForm 3Use the designated “Letter of Recommendation” form to submit 2 or more letters of recommendation (sealed) by professionals and individuals who have relationships with the applicant. The forms must be completed in English.4. Educational and Professional PlansForm 4Respond to the questions on the “Educational and Professional Plans” form. Use A4 or letter size paper and answer each question within the designated length. Attach the “Educational and Professional Plans” form as a cover sheet.5. Transcript of Academic Record(Original only)Submit an original official academic transcript showing the completion of an undergraduate degree certified by your university president/department head. Only English and Japanese language documents will be accepted. If the certificate in either English or Japanese is not issued by your graduate institute, the translation by authority must be attached with the original. (does not need to be sealed).6. Undergraduate Degree Certification(Original Only)Submit an original official academic transcript showing the completion of an undergraduate degree certified by your university president/department head. Only English and Japanese language documents will be accepted. If the certificate in either English or Japanese is not issued by your graduate institute, the translation by authority must be attached with the original. (does not need to be sealed). *Graduates from universities where certificates of completion are not provided must also include a photocopy of the original diploma which shows the completion date of your bachelor’s degree.*Applicants from China or graduates from universities in China must also include photocopies of the original diploma and degree certification. (Original documents and/or documentation verifying the completion of secondary school may be requested at a later date for verification purposes.)*Current students enrolled in universities that do not provide prospective degree completion certificates may submit an official letter or certificate signed by the department dean of the university. This document must state the date of prospective degree completion.*If the institution you graduated fromdoes not issue these certificates and the official transcript of academic record is shown the date of your completion of the bachelor degree and the type of degree, you do not need to submit Undergraduate Degree Certification.7. Remittance Certificate of Application FeeRefer to the “Application Fee Payment Methods” sheet.8. Photocopy ofTOEFL or IELTS ScoreSubmit scores for either the TOEFL or IELTS examinations taken after January 2011.Refer to the third * note below.9. Passport CopySubmit a photocopy of your passport. The copy must include the applicant’s name, photo, passport number, expiration date and place of issue.10. Residence Certificate (Only for internationalFor international applicants residing in Japan only. Please go to your ward or city office of residence and request theAdmission Guidelines (Page 4)applicants residing in Japan.)Residence Certificate. Please note that this document is not your ”
  • 申请明年四月生还来得及吗?2589990x 7
    “看你想去哪个学校,各个学校不一样的,去学校主页上看申请时间和截止时间 ”
  • 图解インフレ(仅供娱乐)1242183x 8
    “好了,可以看见了 ”
  • 随便唠叨下2564095x 8
    “陆一 发表于 2013-9-17 22:31为啥我不是沙发哎哎哎 怎么木有长进呢! ”
  • TOEIC 9/13的考试,如果身体不舒服取消考试有优惠!!!958659x 5
    “私まだこのお知らせもらってない。。。。??? ”
  • 日本語能力試験1級聴解語彙のまとめ959651x 7
    “doushiyoudoushiyou ”
  • 出尼康D7000+适马17-70mm+尼康50mm1.8D2584435x 8
    “和呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵 ”
  • 池袋7分 自家房子出租 只收押金和房租!!!!!!2560668x 6
    “详情请联系 080-3530-5509 李 ”
  • 姐妹们刚怀孕还没一个月,都有什么症状2577255x 8
    “我是月经前就开始难受了、提前验就很明显了。肚子会有斯斯的痛、胃不舒服、总想睡觉。看mm这样有点像喔:) ”
  • 限時---偷拍白人和黑人小美女的可愛,性感裸照。2596790x 8
    “ 真的耶~ ”
  • 32寸光泽液晶电视。可以看日本高清数码电视,一万4,甩了2580714x 9
    “同出全新ipad4 4G版16g卖46000円,32g卖5万円,ipad mini 4G版16g卖37000円,32g卖4万円,iphone5的16g卖45000円,32g卖47000円,64g卖5万円,中文破解版galaxyNote2卖45000円,中文破解版galaxyS4卖48000円,中文破解版xperia GX卖26000円,中文破解版galaxyS3a卖35000円,中文破解版galaxyTab卖18000円,中文破解版xperia arc卖15000円,中文破解版photon卖14000円,中文破解版p-01d卖1万円。 ”
  • 12年去日本留学吧,解答任何疑问,希望可以帮到你27783798 64
  • 解答关于申请日本国公立大学相关问题,同学们可以随便提问↖(^ω^)↗希望我的申请经历可以帮到各位有需要的同学23777059 100
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