2015年9月26日雅思口语机经,雅思考试机经抢先版。现在为大家分享2015年9月26日雅思口语机经,需要的考生赶紧收藏起来吧~ 2015年9月26日雅思口语机经: 9月口语题库依旧处在稳定期, 以下标注为Hot/New的题目是换题季中必考口语话题,本场考生可以重点准备Hot/New高频题。 Category A: People(人物) 1.Describe a person who can use/speak a second language. New Who is that person Which language he/she speak How he/she learn the language 2.Describe a person you had disagreement with. New Who the person is What is the disagreement Why you argued with that person 3.Describe a person who you think is fashion. New Who the person is How you know the person Why you think he/she is fashion 2015年9月26日雅思口语机经下载地址: http://bbs.zhan.com/thread-118518-1-1.html?db