之前联系好多教授都悲剧了,但一个星期前联系了个广岛的教授(工学部,貌似很牛,paper很多),问我要了一堆东西(除了研究计划书,我白写了),还叫我用英语和他写信(他是日本人,说他的lab交流从不用日语),结果昨天,邮件来了···I have checked your comments, and it seems there is no problem foraccepting you as a research student. My secretary will contact you forapplication documents for research students. So please prepare themafter her contact to you. Of course, I recommend you to take a new examfor TOEIC or other English tests, because its certificate will berequired for entrance exam.As I have mentioned, this will not guarantee your entrance of our Master Course because you have to pass its entrance exam in next year.我现在是不是可以准备材料准备考试了?太突然了,我还没有反应过来的说,我联系教授先用英语,后用日语。最后还是靠了英语,这是命运吗。