本帖最后由 gqlluck 于 2013-4-16 17:55 编辑 在缅甸修坝,不征求意见,不给村民补偿就算了还弄来了300大兵,抢人家牲畜,霸占小姑娘。。。。南霸天呀原来是这样解放人家亚非人民的。。。。In 2000, when preparations for the Shweli 1 Dam began, a Burma Army battalion of 300 soldiers established a base in Man Tat village to ensure the project’s security. These soldiers seized many of the villagers’ land and livestock for their own benefit, and forced over 300 villagers to labor for the project without compensation. Women living nearby have faced increased risk of sexual violence and several young local women have been forced to marry soldiers. Villagers’ land was confiscated from them or destroyed without compensation by the project developers for construction of the dam, access roads and transmission lines.