问到了一个对工作帮助很大的VBA,执行起来没有问题,就是不知道每句的意思。有谁能知道这是什么意思么?————————————————Sub 一覧表作り()Dim i As Long, xr As Long, xc As Long, xpAs LongDim dicA As Object, dicB As Object, dicC AsObject, tbl, x Set dicA = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") Set dicB = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") Set dicC = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") With Sheets("一覧") tbl = .Cells(7, 1).Resize(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 4) End With ReDim x(1 To UBound(tbl, 1) + 1, 1 To UBound(tbl, 1) + 1) For i = 2 To UBound(tbl, 1) If Not dicA.Exists(tbl(i, 1)) Then xr = xr + 1 dicA(tbl(i, 1)) = xr + 1 x(xr + 1, 1) = tbl(i, 1) End If If Not dicC.Exists(tbl(i, 1)) Then xp = xp + 1 dicC(tbl(i, 1)) = xp + 1 x(xp + 1, 2) = tbl(i, 2) End If If Not dicB.Exists(tbl(i, 3)) Then xc = xc + 1 dicB(tbl(i, 3)) = xc + 1 x(1, xc + 2) = tbl(i, 3) End If x(dicA(tbl(i, 1)), dicB(tbl(i, 3)) + 1) = tbl(i, 4) Next i Worksheets("評価一覧").CopyAfter:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) Worksheets(Worksheets.Count).Name = "評価並び" Set dicA = Nothing Set dicB = Nothing Set dicC = Nothing MsgBox ("処理済")End Sub