准备扔掉丝塔芙,CeraVe可以咩?359732g38 ““Although SLES is considered safe at the concentrations used in cosmetic products, it is an irritant similar to other detergents, with the irritation increasing with concentration.[2] SLES has been shown to produce eye or skin irritation in experimental animals and in some human test subjects.[2] The related surfactant SLS is a known irritant,[3][4] and research suggests that SLES can also cause irritation after extended exposure in some people.[5][6]”wiki上抄的。我也觉得不大可能是SLS,但是丝塔芙里有丙二醇,SLS两样不安全的东西,还是不想长期用这个。话说有些事就是很难说啊,比如我这种高度敏感皮居然用prevage不过敏,那可是很多正常皮都过敏的玩意儿……”