在日本读MBA的同学们419150x8 “ 贴一些教课书贴吧,先marketing 部分marketing management courseKotler, Philip, and Kevin L. Keller, Marketing Management, 12th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2006. 下面是一些教学的内容I. INTRODUCTION AND COURSE PLAN Session 1 - Market-Driven Strategy and Marketing PlanII. MARKET ANALYSISSession 2 & 3 - Understanding the Market Environment Session 4 & 5 - Marketing Research (Case #1)Session 6 & 7 - Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (Case #2)III. MARKETING MIXSession 8 & 9 - Product Strategy (Case #3)Session 10 & 11 - Branding Strategy (Case #4)Session 12 & 13 - Pricing Strategy (Case #5)Session 14 & 15 - Marketing Channel Strategy (Case #6)Session 16 & 17 - Marketing Communications Strategy (Case #7)IV. MARKETING PLAN FOR THE FUTURESession 18 - Implementation and Future Directions Session 19, 20 & 21 - Case Presentations, etc.The key challenges for business organizations include: 1) developing a shared vision throughout the organization about the market and how it may change in the future; 2) identifying opportunities for delivering superior value to customers; 3) positioning the organization and its brands in the marketplace to obtain the best match between distinctive capabilities and market opportunities; 4) recognizing the potential benefits of partnering with customers, suppliers, distribution channel members, internal functions, and even competitors; and 5) shaping the design of the organization to implement and manage strategy on a global basis. ”