索罗斯前顾问:黑田东彦激进宽松将让日本崩溃2408867x3 “ 本帖最后由 lushifu 于 2013-4-15 22:33 编辑 Aggressive easing is ‘double suicide’ for BOJ, Japan: ex-Soros adviserI guess you could say he expects it to end badly.ReutersBank of Japan’s Governor Haruhiko KurodaTakeshi Fujimaki, the head of Fujimaki Japan and a former adviser to billionaire hedge-fund investor George Soros , told Bloomberg that the Bank of Japan’s aggressive monetary easing plan will send the country toward default. The bank earlier this month surprised investors around the globe by announcing it would double its monthly debt purchases to 7.5 trillion yen ($7.6 billion) as it attempts to break the economy out of the grip of deflation.“By expanding the monetary base to 270 trillion yen, the BOJ is making a huge bet which I think it will ultimately lose,” Fujimaki, who has previously warned of the dangers of a Japanese default, said in a Bloomberg interview. Bank of Japan Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda’s “QE announcement is declaring double suicide with the government. The BOJ will have to share the country’s fate and default together.”By moving to buy up around 70% of government bond issuance, investors have pondered potential for the Bank of Japan move to spur Japanese investors to hunt for yield outside the country’s borders, potentially lifting assets around the globe.But it’s also drawn warnings from investors who fear the effort could end in tears. Soros, Fujimaki’s former boss, earlier this month told CNBC that the Bank of Japan was playing with fire because they’re undertaking the project after 25 years of simply accumulating huge deficits without getting the economy moving.Soros warned that an outflow of funds from Japan could turn into an “avalanche” if investors realize the Bank of Japan easing is going to continue unabated. For his part, Kuroda has said the Bank of Japan’s 2% inflation target is “flexible” and that policy makers could adjust if it appeared an asset bubble were forming or other ill effects were observed. ”